Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Let each individual know that it is as a harp upon which the breath of God would play.

Edgar Cayce Reading 281-60

The purpose in life, then, is.....that the entity, the soul, may make the earth a better place in which to live.

Edgar Cayce Reading 4047-2

Depend more upon the intuitive forces from within ... but learn to listen to that still small voice from within

Edgar Cayce Reading 239-1

Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers "Grow, grow."

The Talmud

Intuition is a Bridge Between you and your Soul

New Appointments Typically Open Up In January and June ⁠— Exact Dates Are Included On the Phone Message

Mary Roach: Intuitive Consultant

Are you looking for meaning and purpose in your life? Are you looking to understand your life's mission? Are you interested in healing issues in a relationship? Let me help. For over 30 years, I have been providing clients with life purpose and soul mission readings. In addition, I have taught workshops and programs for organizations like Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment for over 25 years.


All living, breathing beings are innately psychic and intuitive — the unique soul that lies within our flesh is the very blueprint of intuition, and I am here to share these enlightening secrets with you. Through my work in the field, I have gained substantial insight and wisdom, moving through my own path from intuitive to empath. The truth is waiting for you; reach out to me today to learn how you can gain fluency in the soulful language of the universe. Reach out to me, a caring intuitive consultant today.

Schedule your reading ahead of time ⁠— appointments fill quickly.

Call (757) 426-6124

Call Directly for Next Available Appointment

Professional Bio

Mary Roach has been called the most popular intuitive in Virginia Beach. She has given thousands of readings over the past 25 years to clients from the United States to Thailand. Generally booked six months in advance, her work has been highlighted in several television features, as well as in various books and publications.


Mary's work focuses on empowering individuals to discover their life's purpose, heal karmic patterns, and become co-creators with the Divine in their lives. She has taught courses and led workshops for 20 years, created popular hands-on approaches to using intuition, and helped countless people understand the purpose in their life's lessons.


She has a Master's degree in Transpersonal Studies and wrote her thesis on "An Overview of Consciousness," based on her readings. She also possesses a Bachelor's degree in theatre that has given her a rich background in creativity and communications.


Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


PO Box 56545

Virginia Beach, VA 23456


Service Area

Nationwide and Worldwide



(757) 426-6124